
Entries by Daryl

Pros and Cons of the Google Adwords Call Extension

Want an easy method to increase your Google Adwords conversion rates? Here is a quick and easy suggestion. Try adding a call extension to your ads.

Why Should I Add Call Extensions?

Because the mobile revolution has come and gone. …

Holy New Adwords Interface Batman

In case you haven’t heard, Google is force feeding us a new interface with the roll out now at full steam. There is so much to unpack in this update that we want to provide new information over time. For …

New Adwords Quality Score Data Available, Time to Rejoice?

Last week I caught word of some new quality score information coming to Google Adwords. This new information was cause for major excitement, after all, information is power and what improving our paid search marketing programs is all about. …

Did Your NeedALender Leads Get Shut Off?

It started a few months ago. A surge in phone calls from equipment financing companies and equipment financing brokers looking for lead generation help. While it’s certainly not unusual for us to field inquiries about lead generation for the financing …

This is Why You Need to Use Google Adwords Ad Extensions

If you’ve been advertising using Google Adwords for even brief time you’ve probably heard of Ad Extensions and why they are important. In the event you haven’t, ad extensions are additional information and links you can use to enhance your …