So You Want to Advertise in the Business New Hampshire Magazine?

How’s your ad in the Business NH Magazine working out? How many leads has it generated for you? How much revenue and profit did you generate for your business?

These are questions I ask many business owners in NH that advertise in the Business NH Magazine, just to see what I get for a response. Are you willing to guess the response I get the most? If you guessed “We don’t really know”, ding ding, you win!

It’s not that I don’t like the publication. I actually enjoy reading it myself. There are usually some good articles that keep me up to speed on the business environment in NH. You know what I don’t do? I don’t read through it looking for the vendor ads, ever. That’s just not how I, or most prospects solve business challenges these days. And therein lies the problem with this outdated method of advertising. You …

5 Tips to Increasing Conversion on Your Lead Generation Landing Pages

All too often we end up spending more time and money on driving a prospect to a landing page, and not enough effort and focus on what it takes to convert that prospect into a lead. Imagine the increase in sales and revenue your company could attain if you could bump up your conversion rate while keeping to your fixed marketing budget.

Here are 5 handy suggestions for you to employ on your lead generation landing pages right away.

Don’t Talk Too Much – In the digital world attention spans are short. Visitors take less than 10 seconds to determine if they are in the right place. If you can accomplish that first task, you have ten more seconds or so to try to convert them into a lead. If your landing page has paragraph upon paragraph of content in an un-scanable format then you are losing opportunities. Review your …

Breaking the Keyword Limit Rules for Lead Generation via Paid Search Marketing

Rules, rules everywhere! Ask ten different paid search marketing experts how many keywords you should have in a single campaign, and you’ll probably get ten different answers. All of which will likely be in a range of no more than fifty.

The question is, why would there be a limit on the amount of keywords you’d want to target in any single campaign? The answer comes in a few forms. So let’s look at them, and then discuss why sometimes none of it matters.

Manageability – Remember that you’ll be using a combination of match types for your keywords. This could mean 3 keywords for each term you wish to target. Stuffing a campaign full of keywords can make it more difficult to process the information and manage the campaign.
Budget – An oft forgotten practice is to be sure you have enough budget to cover a sufficient number of …

Lead Generation for Equipment Financing & Equipment Leasing Companies

Like many businesses your equipment finance company is probably relying on outbound calling to generate acquisition leads. After all, it’s the way it’s always been done. And when you wanted to grow, more leads meant more sales people doing more cold calling.

One of the problems with the outbound call model is its inherent inefficiency. How many calls does a member of your sales team need to make to find a prospect that is both interested and in-market-now for equipment financing?

Having worked for companies in this space I can tell you it’s a lot. Depending on where the data originates from, the ability to get the decision maker on the phone, the happenstance of them actively looking to finance equipment and being open to a non-bank financing option, that number can reach oppressive heights.

Now imagine what you could do if your sales team was having meaningful conversations with in-market-now prospects rather than …